Saturday, January 21, 2012

dessert - water chestnut delight


sengkuang cina
tepung ubi
pewarna merah + 1 cawan air
gula pasir
daun pandan
santan pekat + secubit garam
Ais hancur secukupnya


Kupas sengkuang, potong dadu kecil dan rendam dalam warna merah kurang lebih 30 minit.

Toskan sengkuang tadi dan masukkan ke dalam beg plastik. Masukkan tepung ubi ke dalam plastik yg berisi sengkuang dan goncang hingga semua sengkuang bersalut dgn tepung ubi. Tuang dalam tapis dan ayak lebihan tepung. Ketepikan.

Didihkan air dalam periuk. Masukkan sengkuang bersalut tepung ubi tadi dan masak 3 minit. Angkat dan toskan dan terus masukkan ke dalam satu bekas yg berisi dgn air ais. Biarkan terendam 5 - 10 minit.

Cedok keluar "ruby" yg terhasil dan masukkan ke dalam mangkuk2 kecil. Tuang air gula dan santan. Masukkan juga air batu hancur. Hidangkan sebagai pencuci mulut.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Alhamdulillah...2 thn dh...

Syukur alhamdulillah...rase macam baru je lg...dh 2 thn dh usia perkahwinan kami...dlm 2 thn ni macam2 dugaan yg kami dh hadapi bersama...setakat ni kami masih lg boleh tangani dgn baik...harap2 sampai ke akhir hayat...walaupun orang akan kate, ala baru 2 pada sy semakin hari semakin buat kami matang & menghargai satu sama makin hari makin sayang la kan...ececeh...

Syukur sy dapat suami yg memahami...segala perkara kami akan bincang bersama...kami treat masing2 as kawan, couple, wife & husband & sume la...setiap keputusan kami cuba tangani dengan baik...segala masalah kami cube selesaikan secepat mungkin...doa saya jodoh kami akan kekal sampai bile...susah senang same...amin...

p/s: walaupun dh terlambat disebabkan mase yg terhad, dpt jugak pos...19.12.2009 tetap dihati....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Money Tips

Just wanna share with all of you bout this tips...just to ensure you are in line with all of you listed before...

TIP 1 - Don't spend money just to wind down from a stressful day at work.

If you will feel much better by going home and taking some quiet time to stretch and then meditate, you will end up feeling much more happy with the right mindset than just blowing your cash with something you don't need after work.

TIP 2 - Don’t always go for branding or expensive item
Just for the name of the brand you buy the expensive one and at the end of the day, you may only wear the outfit once, do you justify paying hundreds of ringgits over the odds because a top designer has had his or her name sewn on the label?

TIP 3 - Make sure a sale is a real sale

Make sure a sale is a sale not just a creative marketing strategy. Do the price research before you commit to making an expensive purchase in a retailers money-off sale.
“Buy one get one free”, “50% off”, and “Huge Discount” will only help you save money if the actual price you pay is lower than you would pay somewhere else for exactly the same product.


Learn the art of delaying enjoyment to keep your finances in order. Although you can effortlessly purchase an item on credit the minute you want it by using your credit card, it’s better to wait until you’ve actually saved up the money.